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Call to Action

to create a new funding stream for Family Planning

The Challenge​


The Family planning community is facing a large and growing funding gap, as a result of which hundreds of millions of women and couples who would like to use contraceptives, are unable to access them. The situation is further exacerbated by the emergence of COVID-19  as resources are allocated to fighting the pandemic, leaving many couples without critical publicly-funded services. 


The Opportunity


Family planning programs generate positive impacts that go well beyond the number of unintended pregnancies averted and helping couples to plan when to have children which has positive economic benefits.


For example, an underappreciated fact is that, together with girls’ education, family planning represents the single, largest measure to reduce carbon emissions. When considered that carbon markets are worth US$57bn annually, it is clear that linking family planning to the carbon markets could generate a new source of vitally needed funding for family planning services.


The purpose of this Call to Action is to bring together the family planning community, donors and investors in order to create a formal link between family planning and environmental markets to generate a much needed new source of revenue and funding for family planning.  


Much of the theoretical work has been completed. Now it is time to put this initiative into action and achieve results.


The following sections detail the various stakeholders, how they can contribute and benefit, as well as an Action Plan and roadmap to define the opportunity and manage risks. 





We invite the following three groups of stakeholders:



























Plan of Action


Our approach to accessing the carbon markets centers around the quantification and certification of the environmental impacts associated with family planning programs, in association with contributions to meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs). The resulting certificates are then monetized in a number of ways, including the issuance and sale of environmental and social offset credits. The linkage with SDGs will make these credits highly desirable due to the goodwill associated with them. 


In order to manage risks, we've created a set of products that will allow us to implement the plan incrementally while assessing risks at each stage, before moving onto the next stage. For example, the first product (Impact Claims) will only certify the carbon emission reductions associated with family planning, but will not issue tradeable carbon credits. For the latter purpose, we created Tradeable Assets, a product which will allow issuance and trading of certificates.


Concretely, our Plan of Action involves certifying and monetizing the following list of financial for Family Planning programs.






























































Call to Action


We invite all family planning stakeholders to take part in the creation of this new funding mechanism.


The immediate next actions include selecting family planning programs in developed and developing countries to be certified and to issue the first Impact Claims. At the same time, another immediate action is to register the SD Vista Methodology that will allow to issue Tradeable Assets. This will be achieved with financial support from donors and investors. 


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